You searched for listed%20building

Results 21 – 30 of about 4390.

  • H6 | Planning and development

    H6 - Historic England Advice Note 10: Listed Buildings and Curtilage, 2018. · File type: PDF · Size: 1.74 MB.
  • Planning enforcement

    The team also deals with works to listed buildings, buildings and land in poor condition and unauthorised advertisements. ... Listed building enforcement. It's a ...
  • Grant information

    At present there is no grant aid available through the council for people carrying out repair or restoration works to listed buildings or buildings in ...
  • Full Planning Consent and Listed Building Consent | Planning ...

    Cheltenham Borough Council download - Planning applications - Full planning consent | Planning and development.
  • Conservation and heritage advice

    Cheltenham's historic environment is very valuable and benefits from many listed buildings, conservation areas with associated character area management ...
  • Planning pre-application advice

    Advice for development to listed buildings or those in a conservation area ... Building control deals with the more technical side of the construction process.
  • Householder Planning and Listed Building Consent | Planning ...

    Cheltenham Borough Council download - Planning applications - Householder applications | Planning and development.
  • Planning (Listed Buildings) Prosecution Policy Guidance ...

    One of the ways that the Council can achieve this is to prosecute offenders as a deterrent to others. This document sets out the Council's policy in respect of ...
  • New leaflet created to help Regency building owners | Cheltenham ...

    Apr 8, 2013 ... The Planning Committee at Cheltenham Borough Council has given its endorsement to a new leaflet created to provide assistance to Regency ...
  • Issue - Protocol for Unauthorised Windows/Doors in Listed Buildings

    Feb 11, 2014 ... Minutes: The Cabinet Member Built Environment introduced the report and explained that there were some 2600 listed buildings in Cheltenham, many ...