You searched for lib/trees

Results 81 – 90 of about 555.

  • 6. Eldorado Character Area Appraisal and Management Plan

    Jul 22, 2008 ... also a Liberty. Spa waters were discovered adjacent to the town ... appropriate, and replant with new trees when old trees die. Trees ...

    Note 2: Protected trees are those within Conservation Areas or subject to Tree Preservation Orders. ... libraries, sports and leisure facilities, health ...
  • Local development framework Cheltenham Borough Council

    Feb 23, 2007 ... An Iron Age enclosure ditch was uncovered on the site of the present day Children's Library in 1986-87. ... replant with new trees when old trees ...
  • 19. st paul's character area appraisal and management plan

    Jul 28, 2008 ... Trees located in parks or green spaces within the conservation area are managed by Cheltenham Borough Council in accordance with best ...
  • 17. Pittville Character Area Appraisal and Management Plan – July ...

    Jul 22, 2008 ... Trees located in parks or green spaces within the conservation area are managed by Cheltenham Borough Council in accordance with best ...
  • Cheltenham Borough Local Development Framework

    Mar 29, 2005 ... Libraries: the Cheltenham Central Library and relevant outlying libraries receive ... attached to, works to trees covered by a tree preservation ...
  • Heading 9

    Jul 2, 2015 ... Appeal Ref: APP/H1840/A/14/2224292. Land to the west of Leamington Road, Broadway, Worcestershire. •. The appeal is made under section 78 of ...
  • Initial template document

    Oct 25, 2021 ... 1.1 The application site comprises the churchyard of Cheltenham Minster (formerly St. Mary's. Parish Church). The Minster itself is a Grade ...
  • inclusive-mobility.pdf

    Where trees overhang a footway it is advisable to cut them back to at least 3000mm clear height to allow room for regrowth. Mobility impaired and visually ...
  • Initial template document

    Jan 25, 2019 ... 1.2 The ascent up Harp Hill heading east out of Cheltenham marks the beginning of the escarpment of the Cotswold Hills and the transition ...