You searched for cycling

Results 61 – 70 of about 2040.

  • Information/Discussion Paper

    Feb 20, 2017 ... a. A Cycling & Walking Scrutiny Task Group was initiated in September 2014 in order to identify opportunities for improving provision for ...
  • Information/Discussion Paper - Environment Overview & Scrutiny ...

    Jan 19, 2011 ... The Borough Council's view over a number of years has been that it is illogical and impractical to permit cycling in the Strand and Cambray ...
  • Outcomes and targets

    Outcome: the way people move around Cheltenham enhances and does not harm health and wellbeing. Family cycling down the Honeybourne Line At the moment, in ...
  • Volunteering opportunities for high profile summer events ...

    May 10, 2019 ... Louise Forey, participation and engagement team leader, says: “We currently need volunteers for both the Cheltenham Festival of Cycling and the ...
  • Liveable Streets

    Signal crossings for pedestrians and cyclists provided at regular intervals. Street should be attractive, for example tree-lined. Walking and cycling along ...
  • Cheltenham Borough Council Environment Overview and Scrutiny ...

    May 17, 2004 ... local cycling strategies and targets for increased cycle use. The cycling strategy which applies to Cheltenham is an integral part of the ...
  • Issue - items at meetings - Events Programme - Modern Council

    1. that the preparation of an events programme to support the delivery of the Council's 5 year strategy to grow the visitor economy that promotes Cheltenham as ...
  • Eric the yarn-bombed bike has arrived at the Municipal Offices ...

    Sep 7, 2017 ... An inspired keen knitter from the local community yarn bombed her late husband's bike for Bloor Homes Cheltenham Festival of Cycling featuring ...
  • Parking, travel and streets

    Information on roads, public transport, cycling, walking, taxis.
  • land at oakley farm, battledown, cheltenham residential travel plan ...

    Oct 2, 2020 ... Cycling is a great way of getting about. For many journeys in town it's often quicker by bike than by car – and much easier to park ...