You searched for cycling

Results 51 – 60 of about 2040.

  • Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 26 November 2018 Update ...

    Nov 26, 2018 ... A cycling and walking scrutiny task group was initiated in September 2014 to identify opportunities for improving provision for cycling and ...
  • Bike donations wanted for fun bike trail

    Jun 30, 2017 ... Bike donations wanted for fun bike trail - The Cheltenham Festival of Cycling is now only 70 days away, and the town is getting into gear ...
  • Behaviour change

    Incentive programmes such as the gamification of walking and cycling through the use of apps; Travel planning typically by businesses, other organisations, ...
  • New lighting scheme gives a safety boost to Sandford Park ...

    Apr 5, 2024 ... The lighting has been installed by Gloucestershire County Council and paid for with £13,000 funding from Cheltenham Borough Council's ...
  • Cheltenham Borough Council Environment Overview and Scrutiny ...

    Jul 18, 2005 ... ... cycling would make cycling in Cheltenham less convenient. After debate it was agreed not to ban cycling as part of this pedestrianisation scheme ...
  • Cheltenham Borough Council Cabinet 10 November 2015 Scrutiny ...

    Nov 10, 2015 ... could be achieved through implementing a cycling and walking strategy supported by a team of dedicated cycling officers at Bristol City Council.
  • 2015_10_26_O&S_Cycling covering report

    Oct 26, 2015 ... could be achieved through implementing a cycling and walking strategy supported by a team of dedicated cycling officers at Bristol City Council.
  • Cheltenham Borough Council Cabinet – 12 January 2016 Overview ...

    Jan 12, 2016 ... A Cycling & Walking Scrutiny Task Group was initiated in September 2014 in order to identify ... cycling and walking. This should greatly assist ...
  • Agenda item - Proposed traffic order - Modern Council

    Cheltenham was in an impractical position, permitting cycling in some areas and not others. This posed an enforcement issue to the Police and was confusing to ...
  • Cheltenham Borough Council Environment Overview and Scrutiny ...

    Apr 6, 2006 ... This set out the cycling strategy, the results of a survey of cycling in the town centre and analysis of accidents involving pedestrians and ...