You searched for TEMPORARY

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    The Licensing Sub-Committee determines applications for premise's licence or variations thereof (where objections have been received), Temporary Event Notices .
  • Temporary Event Notice Personal Details of Premises User ...

    Jul 7, 2020 ... Does a premises licence or club premises certificate have effect in relation to the premises, or any part of the premises?
  • Licensing and permits

    Alcohol and entertainment. Premises licence · Temporary events notice · Personal licence · Club premises certificate. Gambling. Gambling premises licences ...
  • Search results

    Cheltenham Borough Council download - Temporary event notices | Licensing and permits | Licences - alcohol, entertainment and events. ...
  • Search results

    event was held at the premises which resulted in the bar remaining open for an extra hour under a Temporary Events Notice. Mr Nigel Russell ... https ...
  • Search results

    Alcohol and entertainment · Premises licence · Temporary events notice · Personal licence · Club premises certificate ... ...
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    Cheltenham Borough Council · Vacancies at Gloucestershire County Council · Land charges · Swimming · Virtual reference library · Temporary event notices . https ...
  • Search results

    Jul 21, 2020 ... Break Films has made an application for a temporary event notice application for an event to be held at Cheltenham Town Football Club. https:// ...
  • Search results

    Sep 2, 2020 ... Break Films has made an application for a temporary event notice application for an event to be held at Cheltenham Town Football Club. https:// ...
  • Issue details - To delegate authority to the Head of Planning for the ...

    May 6, 2021 ... 2. To take a proactive approach to the enforcement of planning controls as they apply to the erection of temporary buildings and structures ...