Record details

Car park
Regent Arcade
For car park vehicle access: GL50 1HN. For pedestrian access after shopping centre closure: GL50 1HE
Number of spaces
Pay on foot or use contactless payment at the barrier
How to pay
You can no longer scan your contactless card on entry. You can take a ticket and either pay at on the machines or pay by contactless card at the exit barrier.
Type of car park
Maximum stay
All day
Number of disabled bays
Disabled users
Normal customer parking charges apply.
Number of parent and child spaces
Charging hours
Monday to Saturday 8am-12.30am including bank holidays. Sunday 10am-12.30am (Car park remains locked on Christmas day)
Up to 1 hour
Up to 2 hours
Up to 3 hours
Up to 4 hours
Up to 6 hours
Up to 8 hours
8 hours +
Daily charge of £16 applies
After 5.30pm
£3.00 (you must arrive after 5.30pm to qualify for the evening tariff of £3.00)
Other information
Secured park award. Vehicle height limit: 2.0m. Car park locked at 1am.