About postal voting

Anyone who has registered to vote can apply for a postal vote. You can have a postal vote for a maximum of three years as long as you are at the same address, but you must re-apply if you move or change your name. 

The Elections Act 2022 has made changes to the way we will vote in the UK.

Now, when you apply for a postal vote you must provide your National Insurance Number as well as your date of birth and signature.The maximum period you can have a postal vote for is up to three years. After this time you will need to submit a fresh appliciation.

You can apply for a postal vote online or you can submit a paper application. Please contact our office on 01242 264132 or email [email protected] if you would like us to send you a paper form. Alternatively, postal vote applications forms are available for collection from our reception at The Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 9SA.

Where can my postal vote be sent?

It can be sent to either your home address or any other address that you choose. Postal votes can be sent overseas, but you must consider whether there will be enough time to receive and return your ballot paper by election day. If you are considering having your vote sent abroad you may also wish to consider voting by proxy.

How can I return my paper application form?

  • By post - you can post back your application form to: Electoral services, Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 9SA
  • By email - you can scan and email your application form to [email protected]. Please ensure your form is signed in ink and the image is clear
  • In person - you can drop off your application form in person at the Municipal Offices

When will I receive my postal vote?

Postal votes are usually sent out two weeks before election day.  When you have received it, mark your vote on the ballot paper and make sure you send it back so that it arrives before the poll closes, usually 10pm on election day.  If it arrives later than this your vote will not be counted.

When you vote:

  • complete your ballot paper in secret, on your own
  • don't let anyone else vote for you
  • don't let anyone else see your vote
  • don't give the ballot paper to anyone else
  • put the ballot paper in the envelope and seal it up yourself
  • complete and sign the postal voting statement
  • put the postal voting statement and the envelope containing your ballot paper into the larger envelope and seal it

How to return your vote

Take it to the post box yourself, if you can.  If you can't do that, give it to somebody you know and trust to post it for you.  Do not hand it to a candidate or political campaigner. Don't leave it where someone else can pick it up. You can bring your postal vote into the Municipal Offices if you prefer but you will need to sign a declaration before handing it in. 

Remember that this is your vote - so keep it to yourself.

Postal vote handling

There are now limits to how many people you can hand in postal votes for. Where possible, please post your postal vote packs back to us in plenty of time ahead of polling day.

Who can handle postal votes?

An elector can hand in their own postal vote as well as postal votes for up to five other people. The elector will also be required to complete a declaration to confirm the number of postal votes being handed in. If the number of postal votes being handed in exceeds the maximum limit or if any postal votes are left at the polling station or council offices without the completed form, they will be rejected. This is now the law.

Political campaigners are restricted on the handling of postal votes. It is a criminal offence for parties and campaigners to handle completed postal votes and postal vote envelopes. If you are a political campaigner then you will not be able to handle other people’s postal votes, except where the postal vote is your own, a close family member, or someone that you provide regular care for.

Who cannot hand deliver postal votes?

  • Political campaigners cannot handle postal votes for other electors who are not close relatives or someone for whom they provide regular care. It is an offence for political campaigners to handle postal votes which are not their own, those of close relatives or those of someone for whom they provide care
  • Individuals who are under 18
  • Individuals who have already handed in the maximum permitted number of postal votes for that election

A political campaigner is defined in legislation as:

  1. a candidate at the election
  2. an election agent of a candidate at the election
  3. a sub-agent of an election agent at the election
  4. employed or engaged for the purposes of that person’s activities as a candidate
  5. a member of a registered political party and carries on an activity designed to promote a particular outcome at the election
  6. employed or engaged by a registered political party in connection with the party’s political activities
  7. employed or engaged by a person within paragraphs (a) to (f) to carry on an activity designed to promote a particular outcome at the election
  8. employed or engaged by a person within paragraph (g) to carry on an activity designed to promote a particular outcome at the election