Cheltenham's Place Strategy

Cheltenham is an amazing place. From humble medieval origins to a buzzing borough of 115,000 people, Cheltenham is a place that has thrived through centuries of change. It is a place we are proud of and passionate about, and we are committed to helping it grow and prosper in years to come.
A range of organisations have come together to help define what Cheltenham should feel and look like in the future. We are calling this our vision for Cheltenham.
We want Cheltenham to be a place:
- where all our people and the communities they live in thrive
- where culture and creativity thrives, is celebrated and enjoyed throughout the year
- where businesses and their workforces thrive
- where everyone thrives
Our place vision document was approved by a meeting of our council on Monday 26 March.
Our Place Vision is the start of a conversation about how we work together to realise the ambitions, aspirations and actions. Over the next few months we will be putting in place a new partnership and developing more detailed action plans to make sure Cheltenham remains an amazing place, a place where everyone thrives.
We have also set up a place governance group that will be responsible for the delivery of the Cheltenham’s Place vision, and the ambitions and aspirations set out in the document
Delivery of our place vision review
Cheltenham Borough Council wishes to engage a consultant to work with the council and its partners to gain collective commitment to delivering Cheltenham’s place vision. This will comprise the following:
- Working across partners to define our place vison priority actions and gaining collective commitment to them using the concept of place-based systems leadership.
- Help us co-create and articulate our ethos and principles that will help us deliver the place vision, capturing our way of working and culture in a way that we can use across all aspects of our work.
- Build this ethos into a range of shared commitments we are making with our customers, residents, stakeholders and businesses to help us deliver the place vision of a thriving economy, thriving communities and a thriving cultural offer.
- Reflect on how partners can work more collaboratively and organise themselves to deliver our collective place vision and support our way of working.
Review brief - responses requested by 5.00pm Monday 14 October 2019
You can follow our progress at: