Pay online using our Civica payment system
Use the Civica online payment system to pay any of the services listed below:
- Allotment annual rent invoices
- Allotments - ad hoc payments
- BID levy invoices
- Building control fees (Cheltenham Borough Council)
- Building control fees (Tewkesbury Borough Council)
- Business rates
- Car park fines (starting IC ONLY)
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Contaminated land search
- Council tax
- Environmental health fees
- Fit to Rent certificate
- Fixed penalty notice payment (not for paying parking tickets/penalty charge notices)
- Garden waste - new subcribers (for new subscriptions please first complete our online sign up form)
- Garden waste renewals
- Housing benefit overpayment
- Housing CBC Rent & Service Charges
- Housing CBH
- House in multiple occupation (HMO) licence
- Housing insurance
- Invoices starting 1
- Invoices starting 2
- Land Drainage Consent Fee
- Licensing - Alcohol and entertainment
- Licensing - Animal activity licences
- Licensing – Gambling
- Licensing – Streets
- Licensing - Tattoo, acupuncture, electrolysis, semi-permanent makeup and ear piercing registrations
- Licensing - Taxi and private hire
- Local land charges
- Mayor's charities
- Midsummer Fiesta
- No Child Left Behind
- Planning application fees
- Street naming and numbering
- Trade waste
- Twinning
Which cards can I use?
We accept most credit and debit cards with the exception of American Express.
Processing your payments
How will I know if my payment has been successful?
When you have finished entering your card details, and confirm you want to continue with the payment, there will be a short delay while your card details are validated. If your payment is successful, a receipt will be displayed which contains a transaction reference number. Please make a note of this number in case you need to contact us about your payment.
Is it safe?
YES. Your transaction will take place within a secure payment system which means the transaction is encrypted between your machine and our server.
This uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) technology, a standard supported by major internet browsers. All of your personal and card details are protected using encryption when transmitted over the internet. In order for a transaction to take place securely your browser must support TLS 1.2.
TLS security error message
The payments industry has recently strengthened security protocols for communications across computer networks and SSL and early versions of TLS are no longer acceptable connections to access payment systems. If you experience difficulty in making an online payment and receive a ‘TLS security error’ message, you may be using an unsupported browser which you will need to upgrade. You may also need to make changes to the browser configuration to enable use of TLS 1.2. Find out more about TLS security error messages.
Contact us
Please call us on 01242 262626 if you have a query or experience any problems. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (Wednesday 10am - 5pm). Our fax number is fax: 01242 227131.
Telephone payments
Automated payment system telephone 0300 456 2774 (24 hour service).
email: [email protected]