Published on 16th August 2012

Celebrations of London 2012 are set to continue thanks to some new project funding.
Community groups are invited to bid for money to support projects that will leave a lasting legacy of the recent games. Applications need to go to Cheltenham Partnerships by Friday 24 August 2012.
Of the funding, £25k Olympic Legacy funding has been made available from NHS Gloucestershire. This is designed to support projects which will encourage and enable more people to become active and improve their physical and mental health.
Alongside the Olympic Legacy funding, Cheltenham Partnerships are also allocating two other funding streams; the £50k positive activities grant will help community groups put on activities for young people and the £36k safer stronger grants will help groups reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in their communities.
To simplify the bidding process, there is one common application form and set of broad criteria across the three funding streams.
Councillor Steve Jordan, leader of the council said: The Olympics were a fantastic boost for the country and we are keen to encourage local groups to come forward with ideas for tapping into the Olympic spirit. The criteria for applications is broad as we are keen for members of the community to tell us what theyd like to do in honour of the games.
Read more information about the grants, including the application form and criteria, or contact Richard Gibson, strategy and engagement manager on 01242 235354.
For media enquiries, contact: Katie Sandey, communications officer, Tel: 01242 775050 or email
There are 3 funding streams for allocation in 2012/13
1. Reducing health inequalities Olympic Legacy grant from NHS Gloucestershire - £25,000
2. Positive activities for young people from Gloucestershire County Council - £50,000
3. Safer Stronger Fund via the Home Office- £36,078
Although there are specific guidelines for each of the three funds, we have tried to harmonise the bidding and assessment processes so that funders get the best possible outcomes and bidders have the best possible opportunities to secure funding for their projects.
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