Published on 28th March 2012

An underpass in Cheltenham has had a colourful makeover as it's turned into a trial ‘free wall’.
Recently, one of the St. George's Road underpasses was transformed from a grey graffiti daubed tunnel into a bright and interesting route into town as part of a community mural project.
On Saturday 24 March, another underpass in the area blighted by graffiti was treated to a similar makeover, transforming it into a gallery of modern street art by a number of urban artists as part of a trial free wall for talented urban artists from Cheltenham and the surrounding areas.
Janice Payne, community ranger, said: This is Cheltenham's first free wall and from the art that is currently on it we clearly have some very talented urban artists. The wall will provide space to allow these artists to create fantastic urban art legally. It's currently a trial wall and it is hoped that it will become permanent.
Free walls are dynamic graphic spaces where urban artists can create work legally.
Pictures of the free wall can be found on our Flickr page.
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