Published on 28th March 2012

Need something exciting to do over Easter? Let the children try something new with Zumbatomic, a Zumba session for children aged four to twelve years old.
Its packed full of choreographed routines to the latest music which the children will love. As well as having fun the sessions will help increase focus and self confidence, boost metabolism and improve co-ordination.
The sessions will be taking place at leisure@cheltenham on Wednesday 4 April and Friday 13 April. The four to seven year old class runs from 2pm to 2.50pm and the eight to twelve year old session takes place from 3pm to 3.50pm.
Dan Brookes, activities co-ordinator for leisure@cheltenham, said: Its a great way to keep the children active this Easter. The sessions are fun and friendly so the children are bound to enjoy it.
The cost is £2.50 for members and £3 for non members. For more information contact Dan Brookes on 01242 774720.
For press enquiries contact: Kelly Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154, email
Leisure@cheltenham is owned by Cheltenham Borough Council, and offers high quality facilities. The leisure centre has won numerous awards for its green credentials since re-opening, as well as being recognised for the national Sport and Leisure award as part of the 2010 Government Business Awards.
For more information about leisure@ please call 01242 528764, email or visit their website.
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