Published on 13th March 2012

National No Smoking Day is Wednesday 14 March this year and smokers are being encouraged to ‘take the leap’ and stop smoking.
The award winning Gloucestershire stop smoking service will be in Regent Arcade in Cheltenham from 10am until 4.30pm, promoting the stop smoking service in Gloucestershire.
Along with information and advice, smokers will be able to find out how much carbon monoxide is in their body and test the age of their lungs. Many smokers want to stop but find it hard to do so. The Gloucestershire service is there to help and support you along the way.
If you or someone you know are thinking of quitting, come down and see the stop smoking team in Regent Arcade (by BHS stores) for some advice and information on where to get help or call the Quit helpline directly on 08454 220040.
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