Published on 12th October 2011

Try something new at leisure@cheltenham.

Mixed martial arts circuits, boxercise, spin cycling, body combat and deep water aqua are some of the classes which people can try out, free of charge, at leisure@cheltenham this weekend.  The free sessions include MMA Circuits, an exciting and whole body workout that combines circuit based exercise with basic striking techniques from various martial arts.

Some of the other classes on offer on the mornings of Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 October, include body pump, circuits, and body balance.  Classes are open to everyone on a first come, first served basis so that people can try out something new.  Members and non-members are able to pre-book at customer services on 01242 528764.

Stephen Petherick, commercial manager at the centre said: "Our range of classes offers something for everyone, so I hope that people will come along and take part.  Members of the team will be on hand to give advice and information about the variety of activities we have here at the centre."

Cabinet member for sport, Andrew McKinlay added: "Group classes are a fun way of keeping fit and healthy.  We are pleased to offer a weekend which is free of charge."

Class timetable

Saturday 15 October

9.00-10.00am Boxercise (studio)
10.15-11.00am Spin (spin studio)
10.10-11.10am Body Combat (studio)
11.15-12.15pm Body Pump (studio)

Sunday 16 October

9.00 – 10.00am MMA Circuits (Studio)
9.00-9.45am Deep Aqua (Diving Pit)
9.30-10.15am Spin Cycling (Spin Studio)
10.30-11.30am Body Pump (studio)
11.30-12.30pm Body Balance (studio)

Visit the leisure@ pages or contact customer services on 01242 528764 for further information.

A photographer is welcome along to the sessions.

For media enquiries, contact:  Annette Wight, telephone 01242 264311 or 775050 email