Published on 6th June 2011
24 hours a day, seven days a week ASB support line now available to customers.
A new anti-social behaviour (ASB) reporting service, available to customers 24 hours a day seven days a week has been launched by Cheltenham Borough Homes (CBH).
The new ASB support line has been developed to provide emergency support and advice to anyone in the borough who wishes to lodge a complaint of ASB in connection with a CBH managed property.
Calls will be answered by experienced telephone handling specialists Sitex Orbis who will gather the relevant information which will be passed onto the CBH Safer Estates team to deal with on the next working day. If the operator considers the ASB to be a police matter then callers will be encouraged to contact the police.
Sara Bennett, Head of Neighbourhood Services at CBH , said: "At CBH we take the issue of anti-social behaviour very seriously which is why we have initiated this new out-of-hours service to provide crucial support to those reporting ASB. In addition to providing support, the service will allow us to gather vital evidence and aid early intervention to help us prevent a situation from escalating.
"By creating a round the clock service we hope that it will provide reassurance to our customers that they can contact us in an emergency or at a time convenient to them and speak to someone in confidence."
The new support line also offers an out-of-hours repairs service and if repairs are classed as an emergency, will arrange for someone to attend within two hours.
To report an emergency repair or incidents of ASB call the CBH freephone number: 0800 408 0000.
Notes for editors
Cheltenham Borough Homes:
- CBH is one of the top rated ALMOs (Arms Length Management Organisations) in the country. ALMOs are not for profit companies that run social housing services for their local council.
- Currently CBH manage and maintain around 5,000 tenant and leasehold properties with an overall satisfaction level of 85%, placing them in the top ten ALMOs nationally
- The organisation's approach to community development and participation; governance and equality and diversity has been recognised as good practice nationally
- CBH continue to develop excellent services by working closely with customers. It will include building new homes and continuing to regenerate communities whilst tackling issues of worklessness and addressing social enterprise
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Press contact: Catherine Best e: t: 01242 775317
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