Published on 12th April 2011

During the Easter holidays, the play rangers from Cheltenham Borough Council and Play Gloucestershire will be out and about providing free family fun in parks across the borough.

Included within the play ranger Easter programme, will be three parks that have been recently improved thanks to £110,000 worth of funding received through the national Play Builder funding.

Benhall Park and QE2 park in Battledown have benefited from a major investment of natural play equipment, which has been carefully selected and positioned to compliment the existing natural landscape of the parks. The new equipment at Benhall includes a pendulum swing and a giant spiders web climbing frame, whilst the improvements at QE2 park include a basket swing, an alien climber and a stepping post trail.

In St Peter's park, youngsters are now able to enjoy playing with friends on a pod swing and a giant rock stack fitted with ropes and cargo nets, this has also been funded through the Play Builder scheme.

"The money spent on these parks has created some fantastic play spaces for children and young people, and hopefully local communities will start to enjoy them as we head towards the summer months", said Craig Mortiboys, healthy communities manager for Cheltenham Borough Council.

The play rangers will be visiting the following parks during the two week Easter holidays:

The Grange, Hatherley (Mondays),
Naunton Park (Tuesdays),
Pittville Park (Wednesdays - including an Easter Egg Hunt on 13 April)
Benhall Park (Thursdays)
QE2 Battledown (Fridays).

For more information contact the play development team on 01242 774756 or visit

Photo opportunities can be arranged

For press enquiries, contact: Katie Sandey, communications team leader, telephone 01242 775050 or email: [email protected]