Published on 11th April 2011

A bold new sign has gone up this month on Kingsditch industrial estate, thanks to a grant from Cheltenham Borough Council’s Business Pride scheme.
Working in partnership with our colleagues at GFirst and Parklife, 24 companies have been able to take advantage of advertising their business on the entrance to Runnings Road and the junction at The Runnings.
The sign is in response to local businesses' requests to help them to be more promient within the estate and to highlight to lorry drivers and potential customers (both B2B and B2C) where they are.
Graham Philpot, borough council economic development officer, said: "The sign is there to highlight the area to the lorry drivers, following a request from local businesses. We looked at various ways in which we could help.
"With our Parklife colleagues, we discussed ways to help businesses become more visible in order to encourage local procurement on the estate and a sense of 'know your neighbour' and the obvious solution was improved signage for the area."
The new sign was welcomed by Mark Hall, director for PGC Precision Engineering and Studios which operates from the park. He said: "I was one of the first to sign up to it.
"They were very accommodating and said I could put both my businesses on it. We found that a lot of lorry drivers couldn't find us, and it is great to have that help."
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