Published on 4th March 2025

Cheltenham Festival racegoers asked to book their private hire vehicles ahead for convenience and safety
As Cheltenham’s renowned four-day racing festival kicks off Tuesday 11 March to Friday 14 March, the town is set to welcome thousands of racegoers.
Cheltenham Borough Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council are advising visitors to pre-book private hire vehicles to ensure they have transport for their safety, if not travelling by public transport.
Private hire transportation safety advice
Private hire drivers are reminded that they must only operate in Cheltenham for the purpose of fulfilling legitimate pre-bookings during this busy period. The councils' licensing teams will conduct test purchasing operations throughout the festival period, with fines of £1,000 and potential licence revocation for any driver caught illegally plying for hire.
Licensed drivers undergo thorough checks to ensure they are fit and proper to transport passengers, and their vehicles are subject to MOT and insurance checks.
If anyone has concerns regarding a taxi or private hire vehicle, they should note the licence plate number, the council issuing the licence, and contact the licensing team.
Racegoers are advised that if they do not book ahead, they should head to one of our authorised taxi ranks or must only flag down Cheltenham Borough Council hackney carriages, identified with a white top light displaying the word “TAXI”. By law, all vehicles plying for hire at taxi ranks or on the streets in Cheltenham must be licensed by Cheltenham Borough Council.
Advice on using Uber
Vehicles can operate in Cheltenham via the Uber app, but all journeys must be pre-booked via the Uber app. Please ensure that the vehicle has a licence plate on their vehicle and that the driver has a badge showing their licence number.
They should also be able to confirm your booking before getting into the vehicle to ensure that it is licensed. It is illegal for Uber drivers to pick up any journey that is not pre-booked and may result in penalties for the driver, so please do not encourage this.
Any complaints about the driver can be made to the licensing authority that they are licensed by, please look for this information on their vehicle plate and badge. If you have any doubts, please take their vehicle registration number and plate number (if possible, obtain a photo) and email [email protected].
Cllr Victoria Atherstone, cabinet member for safety and communities, said: “We are gearing up to host a significant number of visitors for the Cheltenham racing festival, and it’s important for everyone to plan their travel ahead of time. Safety is our top priority, and we want racegoers to be aware of where taxi ranks are located. Private hire vehicles, unlike Cheltenham’s licensed hackney carriages, cannot be flagged down on the street or wait at one of our taxi ranks, and must be booked in advance.
“The council is committed to a zero-tolerance approach to unlawful taxi and private hire activity. Unlicensed drivers tempted to work illegally, or licensed drivers trying to take cash on the side, should be aware that enforcement officers will be monitoring the town by carrying out spot checks. We will take enforcement action against any unlicensed or unsafe vehicles attempting to operate during the festival week.”
Michelle Bignell, licensing and public protection manager at Cheltenham Borough Council, added: “Don't get lured by unlicensed private hire drivers. Book your ride in advance. Failing to do so puts you at risk of travelling in an uninsured vehicle, and the driver would be acting unlawfully. We want everyone to arrive home safely, starting with securing a licensed vehicle.
“Our licensing officers, in collaboration with our partners from Gloucestershire Constabulary, Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Tewkesbury Borough Council and other neighbouring councils, will be actively monitoring licensed vehicles and ensuring compliance throughout race week.”
Cllr Murray Stewart, Tewkesbury Borough Council’s lead member for environmental services, commented: “We are pleased to work with Cheltenham Borough Council again to ensure the safety of everyone attending the Cheltenham Festival. Pre-booking private hire vehicles is essential not only for convenience but also for safety.
“Racegoers are encouraged to plan ahead and book their transport to and from the event to avoid unnecessary risks. Let's ensure everyone enjoys the festival responsibly and returns home safely.”
For media enquiries contact communications, email [email protected] telephone 01242 264231.

An example of a licensed Hackney carriage plate and a licensed private hire vehicle plate
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