Published on 16th September 2024

A hand in gardening gloves picking up weeds

Weeds have become more of a problem in Cheltenham, partly due to the mild wet weather and party due to the reduced weed-spraying trial.

Overgrown weeds are being tackled with a two-pronged approach from this week. A targeted schedule of weed-spraying combined with ongoing manual weed removal will start in The Reddings, before moving on to tackle other areas around the borough. Crews are using new street sweeper vehicles with weed ripper arms to help tackle the growth along kerbs and gutters.

Cllr Izaac Tailford, cabinet member for waste, recycling and public realm, said: “We’ve listened to our residents’ and councillors’ views and we’re doing what we can to resolve the issue. Our trial of one weed spray a year has been paused and we are reverting to two sprays a year until a suitable alternative is found.

“Teams have been working to clear weeds manually and trim back vegetation in specific locations. Whilst this has led to an immediate improvement, we’re aware that more action is needed to efficiently tackle the problem across the whole town, which is why a second weed spray is being re-introduced, alongside additional manual clearance and our new street sweeper vehicles.

“I’m confident that this work will help resolve the current issues with weeds across our town. We’ll continue to look at alternative methods and improvements that can be made to our weed clearance, for the most sustainable and effective results going forward.”

The work will be carried out in sections with crews making sure that an area is completed before moving to the next. Any remaining weeds or old growth will then be manually removed later when the weeds have died-back.

Find out more about the weed removal programme including FAQs at

For media enquiries contact communications: email [email protected],  telephone 01242 264231.

Notes: The council’s weed control policy can be found at