Published on 9th October 2023

New survey launches to continue work to understand safety concerns of women and girls. Have your say - survey runs from October 2023 to January 2024.
A new safety survey has been launched by the Cheltenham Community Safety Partnership, inviting people that use the town centre - particularly women and girls - to help understand how safe women feel in the evening and at night in the town centre.
It carries on from the first safety survey carried out in 2021 where the feedback was used to support a funding bid to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Safer Street Fund and bring about positive changes in the town centre. These changes include taxi marshals, additional CCTV and ‘bystander intervention training’ for staff of evening and night-time venues.
Councillor Flo Clucas, cabinet member for safety and communities, said: “We’re committed to doing everything in our power to ensure our residents and visitors feel safe in Cheltenham at night.
“We hope that people will take this opportunity to have their say. Understanding how safe people feel is vital to both us and our partners, in working to protect our communities. The results will help us to develop our services further and provide evidence for future funding opportunities.”
Natalie Groom, Early Help partnership manager and chair of the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) forum, continued: “We want Cheltenham to be a place that is accessible and feels safe to all, particularly women and girls. The vibrancy of the town is reflected in the numerous events that take place throughout the calendar and we want to capture opinion and experiences of these but also how safe Cheltenham feels at other times. This will help us determine what the issues are and then be able to address these more effectively.
“We really value your input and would encourage you to share the survey with others.”
The survey only takes a few minutes to complete and runs from October 2023 to January 2024. The results will be analysed by volunteers from the University of Gloucestershire and considered by the Cheltenham Community Safety Partnership’s violence against women and girls group. The findings will then be brought to the council’s cabinet for review and next steps.
For media enquiries, contact: communications, telephone 01242 264231, email [email protected].
If you would like to disclose a crime that’s not already been reported, please contact Gloucestershire Police either by phone on 101 or online at
If you would like support the following local organisations offer help and support:
Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service
Gloucestershire Victim Support
Galop - UK’s LGBT+ anti-abuse charity
Purple Flag status
Cheltenham has successfully retained its Purple Flag status since 2016. The nationally recognised award is given to towns and cities that have an appealing, safe and welcoming evening and night-time economy.
The award recognises towns that have a vibrant and diverse mix of dining, entertainment, leisure and cultural offers available, while promoting the safety and wellbeing of visitors and local residents.
As part of its continued commitment to do everything possible to offer a safe and enjoyable time for everyone during the day, evening and night, the council and its partners are now specifically seeking the views of women and girls.
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