Published on 6th March 2023

In Cheltenham’s parks, gardens, and open spaces, 105 new large trees have been planted following the severe weather.
A large variety of native and exotic species were chosen, from large and small to wind and insect pollinating trees. Native species include oak, hawthorn, wild cherry, and hornbeam. The trees have been planted in more than 30 different locations throughout the borough, including Beeches Playing Field, Caernarvon Park, Clyde Crescent, KGV Playing Field, and Whaddon Recreation.
Gloucestershire County Council supplied the trees, which are all approximately 3 metres high. A number of the new trees planted are replacements for ones which have been removed throughout the year for various reasons.
Approximately 20 privately sponsored trees, all approximately 3.5 metres high, have also been planted.
Cllr Iain Dobie, cabinet member for waste, recycling, and street services said: “Cheltenham is well known for its beautiful trees and greenspaces. Planting new and replacement large trees will bring many benefits to Cheltenham's parks, gardens and open spaces while also addressing climate change and working towards our goal of making Cheltenham net zero carbon by 2030.”
Cllr David Gray, cabinet member responsible for climate change at Gloucestershire County Council said, "Urban tree planting is an important part of our approach to increasing tree cover in Gloucestershire. Working in collaboration with Cheltenham Borough Council to plant these trees is part of our vision for a Greener Gloucestershire, providing many benefits to the local community and wildlife."
Chris Chavasse, senior trees officer said: “This large tree planting is in addition to the recent mass planting of over 1,000 smaller Queens Platinum Jubilee trees in four locations around Cheltenham by volunteers over the last couple of months.
“Trees provide numerous benefits to residents of Cheltenham, from cleaning the air we breathe by removing certain pollutants and reducing the impact of climate change to providing havens for all sorts of wildlife, including birds, bats, and insects.”
To find out more about the councils tree planting here.
For press enquiries, please contact: communications, telephone 01242 264231, email [email protected].
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