Published on 29th September 2022

Council and partners help residents prepare for this winter with advice and guidance on energy usage.
Local organisations in Cheltenham are working together to support the most vulnerable and help our communities and businesses take steps to reduce their energy bills and cut carbon emissions this winter.
Our partner, Severn Wye Energy Agency (SWEA) estimates that around 25 per cent of people in Cheltenham, or approximately 14,000 households could experience fuel poverty this year.
Cllr Alisha Lewis, cabinet member for climate, said: “We know that energy prices are on everyone’s mind at the moment and lots of households will be concerned about their energy use too. We're working with partners like Cheltenham Zero, the Severn Wye Energy Agency and Planet Cheltenham to help you save energy, protect the planet and try to reduce your bills.
“We want residents and organisations to know that help is available this winter and we will offer as much information and guidance as we can for as long as you need us and to help tackle the climate crisis at a local level.’’
The council has partnered with SWEA to share energy 101 – tips for an energy efficient lifestyle and ‘top 10 tips’ for energy saving around the home. Leaflets with this information will also be available from Cheltenham Trust venues, to support members of the public who are unable to access the internet.
James Clarke, communications director of Severn Wye, continued: “There are simple things that we can all do right now to make sure we are as prepared as possible, so we’re making our helpful 101 energy leaflet widely available. Our Warm and Well trained energy advisors are also here to give free energy efficiency advice that will help you stay warmer and healthier in your home.’’
Rebecca Sillence, communications manager at Cheltenham Zero, said: ‘’Through the Cheltenham Zero partnership, Vision 21 are working with a number of people in their office, homeworking, retail and community building settings to help them through the challenging weeks and months ahead. We’re delighted to be working alongside Severn Wye who have a great deal of expertise offering advice and help on energy issues.’’
Businesses and organisations are encouraged to contact Target 2030 who are offering time-limited free energy efficiency surveys and help with grants in some instances. For more information visit
Find out more about energy saving in the home at or contact the Gloucestershire based Warm and Well team on 0800 500 3076.
See the short film with energy saving tips on the council’s YouTube channel
For media enquiries contact: [email protected] or telephone 01242 264231.
CheltenhamZero is a partnership between Cheltenham Borough Council and Vision 21 to encourage local businesses, community organisations and public services take steps to reduce their carbon emissions. Both the council and Cheltenham Zero have partnered with energy charity Severn Wye , a local energy charity offering a range of support and services. CheltenhamZero will be sharing energy saving hacks for local businesses, community groups and home workers on social media this winter – just follow the hashtag: #cheltzero.
The CheltenhamZero Community Fund has also recently awarded grants to six local organisations to facilitate energy efficiency projects.
Warm & Well is a Gloucestershire based friendly team of energy advisers available on 0800 500 3076. They can help you to reduce your energy bills, switch your energy tariff or supplier, and help you find local installers and tradespeople. They may even be able to offer you a free home energy visit.
Planet Cheltenham will be sharing tips on how to take positive climate action to improve energy efficiency around the home. Planet Cheltenham is a community hub space managed by Vision 21, to help Cheltenham people explore ways in which to tackle climate change, fight social inequality and re-imagine a better future.
The Target 2030 scheme provides free energy efficiency surveys to smaller businesses and in some situations can also help with grants. There are only a few months remaining to access this free scheme, so do find out more at
#FeedCheltenham & No Child Left Behind have partnered to develop the #WarmCheltenham project. This is a project that asks for those who can afford to donate some or all of their annual Winter Fuel Payment to help adults and families in crisis struggling with fuel and food poverty.
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