Published on 24th February 2022

Cheltenham Alliance for Race Equity (CARE) logo

A new partnership formed with organisations from across Cheltenham and Gloucestershire has been created to tackle systemic and structural racism.

Since early 2021, Lives of Colour has been leading a team of organisations in the formation of the ‘Cheltenham Alliance for Race Equity’ (CARE). This partnership of voluntary, community and statutory agencies will be working together to make Cheltenham a place where no-one is marginalised because of their ethnicity or culture, and to create equal and equitable opportunity and access for all without discrimination of any kind.

Although there has been work behind the scenes for over a year, the official launch of this alliance could not have come at a better time. The Gloucester Race Commission released a report at the end of last year, concluding that ‘Many people from racially minoritized groups experience racism, hatred or micro aggressions every day. We consider this unacceptable in a modern open society, and something that must change.’

On Thursday, 10 March, community members, statutory agencies, allies, voluntary organisations and partners countywide will gather online for the official launch of CARE and its conference. Guest speakers will include Rupert Walters, chair of the Gloucester City Commission to Review Race Relations; Pittville School pupils who are promoting change within school and GCHQ. 

The CARE conference will be available to view livestream from 2pm on 10 March and afterwards at:

Florence Nyasamo-Thomas, chair of Cheltenham Alliance for Race Equity and Trustee of Lives of Colour, said: “Working together with community members, allies, voluntary organisations and statutory agencies has been a way to take action and work towards addressing the inequalities many of our communities experience. This infrastructure organisation gives us a real opportunity and platform to continue this work in Cheltenham/Gloucestershire and move more than a needle towards dismantling systemic and structural racism that is in our county. The alliance is a safe space to discuss concerns, learn from each other, influence policy and more. With a plan we can listen and explore ways to move the conversation forward and be a catalyst for change. And it is the commitment, hard work and time from those who have so far been involved that has got us here and their time has truly been valuable and appreciated. Our conference will be a chance to hear from some of them first hand.’’

Cllr Flo Clucas, cabinet member for safety and communities, said: “Cheltenham Borough Council is pleased to support the launch of Cheltenham Alliance for Race Equity, and to be part of working together to bring about positive change in Cheltenham. The council has made a commitment to work more closely with partners to challenge bias, both deliberate and unconscious and racism in all its forms.”

For updates and further information on the conference email [email protected].

For media enquiries, contact: communications, telephone 01242 264154, email [email protected]


Lives of Colour mission is to elevate the voices of marginalised communities fostering equity, equality and inclusion through education, events and training.

Lives of Colour is also planning a cultural themed Queens Platinum Jubilee event at Pittville Park on Saturday 11 June 2022.