Published on 23rd October 2020

How to get help and how to offer support. Community organisations in Cheltenham are preparing to support children and families in Cheltenham through a holiday hunger scheme.
The scheme, organised as part of the #feedcheltenham network to run through half term, provides a range of options including food parcels, a home-cooked, family-sized meal or supermarket vouchers to families who might otherwise go without.
Sarah Avery, manager of Family Space and co-ordinator of #feedcheltenham, says: “We know that there are around 3,100 children in Cheltenham that access free school meals during term-time, but in the school holidays there is a risk that these children can go hungry. By making nutritious family-sized meals available from our five partners, we can help reduce this risk.”
For more information on the scheme including how to get help and support, download the Holiday Hunger leaflet.
The work is part of a wider effort to ensure people have access to affordable food throughout the year, with a particular focus on supporting people during the pandemic. However local community food providers are already reporting that food supplies are starting to run out and would like to remind people how important it is to keep on donating, either food or cash.
The work also forms part of the collective commitment to No Child Left Behind, a programme of work that is raising the issues of child poverty in the town and promoting the ethos of compassion and kindness within many of the town’s schools and organisations.
Cllr Roger Whyborn, mayor of Cheltenham, continues: “During the pandemic, the community food network was providing the equivalent of over 2.5k meals per week to vulnerable people in Cheltenham, demonstrating how kindness and compassion flourished in difficult times.
“I want to make sure that our local community food banks and food projects have access to sufficient food and money to meet food needs and I’m asking Cheltenham people to once again demonstrate their kindness by continuing to donate.”
Councillor Flo Clucas, cabinet member for healthy lifestyles, said: “I’m so proud of the tireless work of our community food providers – without them, so many people would struggle as many children and families would go hungry. But they are dependent on the kindness and generosity of local people for donations of food or cash. As winter approaches, I’m asking Cheltonians to come together and once again demonstrate the kindness for which they are renowned.”
For media enquiries, contact: communications, telephone 01242 264154, email [email protected].
Monetary donations can be made in the following ways:
By small standing order, ideally weekly, to Mayor of Cheltenham’s Charity: account 00610720, sort code 20 20 15, reference: MFBank.
The Mayor of Cheltenham’s Food Bank Fund:
Feed Cheltenham crowdfunder:
Buy Cheltenham Lottery tickets at and search for Foodbank or at 01242 396124. 50 per cent of ticket sales go to The Mayor’s Food Bank Fund, and you could win up to £25,000.
Cheque to Mayor of Cheltenham’s Charity, PO Box 12, Promenade, GL50 1PP.
Please ensure that MAYOR’S FOOD BANK fund is written on the back of the cheque along with your address.
Food parcel donations are also welcome at individual food projects:
Cheltenham Open Door:
Cheltenham Food Bank Trussell Trust):
CCP (Caring for Communities and People):
Springbank Community Food Bank:
Cornerstone Centre:
St Peters and The Moors Big Local – Reduce Food Waste Project:
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