Published on 5th April 2019

Making Cheltenham the cyber capital of the UK - a national first - is just one of the exciting, high level priorities in the borough council’s new corporate strategy, which has just been agreed by full council.
The three year corporate strategy sets out the authority’s purpose, principles and priorities for the future. For the first time, residents can view the document in a newly designed, illustrated online flip book, making it easier to read and understand.
Guided by an agreed set of principles, with input from councillors, staff, and key partners, the priorities in the plan have been developed to make the biggest difference to Cheltenham’s communities, businesses and residents, in line with Cheltenham’s place vision which was agreed last year.
The key priorities are:
- Making Cheltenham the cyber capital of the UK
With partners, the council will work towards making Cheltenham the cyber capital of the UK; a national first, which will deliver investment in homes, jobs, infrastructure and enable the council to deliver growth for local communities.
- Continuing the improvement of a vibrant town centre and public spaces
The council will continue to deliver town centre enhancements, including a new transport plan with cycling and walking projects for the benefit of those living, working in and visiting Cheltenham.
- Achieving a cleaner and greener sustainable environment for residents, businesses and visitors
The council will work towards a more modern, efficient and environmentally waste, recycling and street cleaning service for local residents. The authority will also explore ways of generating income through services and continue its valued work with local ‘friends of’ groups in Cheltenham’s parks and gardens.
- Increasing the supply of housing and investing to build resilient communities
The council will continue to seek new opportunities to support local communities, for instance with homelessness, and introduce initiatives such as the launch of a new Cheltenham Lottery to directly benefit local charitable organisations.
- Delivering services to meet the needs of our residents and communities
Improving the way services and information is accessed by residents and businesses will continue to be at the top of the agenda for the council, making the most of new technologies and ways of working.
Councillor Steve Jordan, leader at Cheltenham Borough Council said: ‘’We want to make Cheltenham an even greater place for all; a place that is celebrated for its strong economy, its vibrant cultural offer, its thriving communities and its commitment towards tackling climate change. Despite a backdrop of financial challenges and growing demands in council services, we continue to be ambitious in our plans for Cheltenham. In measuring our performance against the priorities set out in our plan, we aim to see a council which is financially self-sufficient, with better performing, more efficient services, and increased customer satisfaction.’’
See the newly designed flipbook version of the corporate plan and the full version.
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For press enquiries contact: Katie Sandey, communications and web team leader, [email protected], 01242 264231.
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