Published on 29th March 2018

The borough council, together with a range of local organisations, have come together to define how Cheltenham should feel and look like in the future.
Known as a ‘place vision’, they want Cheltenham to be a place:
- where all our people and the communities they live in thrive
- where culture and creativity thrives, is celebrated and enjoyed throughout the year
- where businesses and their workforces thrive
- where everyone thrives
The place vision was approved unanimously during a full council meeting on Monday 26 March. It sets out the town’s strengths and challenges, a shared vision and a framework for action which is led by the borough council and owned by everyone with a stake in Cheltenham.
Pat Pratley, chief executive at the borough council said: ‘’This is an exciting step forward and I hope that people will join the conversation. We know Cheltenham is an amazing place. We are proud and passionate about Cheltenham and committed to helping it grow and prosper in years to come.
‘’We have a strong culture of working collaboratively with our partners for the benefit of Cheltenham and there is no doubt, the agenda is a huge one. What the place vision does is clearly sets out the key ambitions and aspirations that working together we can achieve for our town; a place where businesses can grow and prosper, where physical and mental wellbeing is at the forefront of our minds, where housing is affordable and communities are safe, and to achieve our ambition of being a place renowned for our cultural, heritage, food and sport offer.’’
Paul Stephenson, chief executive at Cheltenham Borough Homes added: “As the biggest provider of social housing in the borough we are delighted to be a member of this partnership, led by Cheltenham Borough Council, to help achieve this ambitious vision. We have a positive track record of successful joint working with the council over the past 15years and we look forward to continuing that relationship to create strong communities where people thrive now and in the future.”
The Cheltenham Trust’s chief executive, Julie Finch said: ‘‘This is an exciting time for Cheltenham. There is a real momentum and sense of partnership in, and for, the town. The Cheltenham Trust is committed to enrichening the lives of residents and visitors, through our care of key iconic venues and the development of programmes which drive culture, sport, wellbeing and true engagement with communities. This vision will help us take this work out to wider audiences and encourage new collaborations across the region.’’
Over the next few months, the council with local organisations will put in place a new partnership and develop more detailed action plans to make sure Cheltenham remains an amazing place, a place where everyone thrives.
You can follow their progress at:
Twitter: #ILoveCheltenham
Read the full place strategy.
View the corporate strategy action plan.
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