Published on 12th October 2017

Improved service goes live from 16 October
As plans get into full swing for the launch of the all improved recycling service - which goes live from 16 October - residents may see the new trucks out and about.
Ubico waste and recycling crews are benefiting from training to get familiar with the new trucks before the rounds go live. The new Romaquip trucks will allow recycling materials to be kept in separate compartments, meaning the quality will be maintained and the council will get the maximum value in return. The vehicles’ efficiency means that their road miles will be reduced as will their diesel consumption.
The trucks will be eye-catching with their bright green branding.
Councillor Chris Coleman, cabinet member for clean and green environment is excited about the launch, he said: ‘’The new vehicles look great and will enable us to do so much more, resulting in maximum return for our recycling and better value for the taxpayer.
‘’The way that the trucks operate means that we can take even more materials from the kerbside but to really help with this and to speed up the collection process, we are asking residents to do all they can to separate their recyclables. This means using at least two kerbside boxes if you have storage space and the new blue bag for cardboard. In doing this, we can present great materials for recycling and we can get trucks off streets quickly so that we don’t get in the way of residents going about their daily routines.’’
The frequency of the fortnightly garden waste and refuse collections will remain unchanged and food waste will continue to be picked up weekly so please place your caddy somewhere visible.
Residents will have received information packs and new calendars which explain their collection arrangements in full. To check your collection day, including your garden waste collection day (if subscribed), visit our website and use our new waste and recycling search tool
For any other information about the new recycling service please also go to
For press enquiries, contact Katie Sandey, communications and web team leader, on 01242 775037, email [email protected]
Recycle even more at kerbside
Mixed plastics
More types of plastic (pots, tubs and trays) can now go into your green kerbside boxes as part of the new service. You'll need to separate recyclables so that mixed plastics, tins, cans and aerosols are put together in a box, and paper and glass are put in another.
Electricals, batteries and textiles
Unwanted (dry and clean) textiles and shoes, small electricals and household batteries will also be included as part of the scheme.
Small waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) includes items such as toasters, kettles, irons, DVD players, cameras, hand-held power tools and mobile and digital phones.
Textiles, small waste electricals and household batteries should be put in separate tied carrier bags and placed on top of either recycling box.
New blue bag for cardboard
You will be able to present all of your cardboard in your new blue woven bag and use green recycling boxes for other materials. Ubico will be delivering blue bags in time for the service launch on 16 October.
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