Published on 4th May 2017

Cheltenham Borough Council - working with partners at Tewkesbury Borough Council – has been successful in securing government funding of £224,000 from the Homes & Communities Agency.
The funding will assist in delivering large housing sites locally. The focus will be on the proposed developments at North West and West Cheltenham, where over 5,000 homes are planned up to 2031 as part of the Joint Core Strategy (JCS).
The funding will support a mix of activities, ensuring that the proposals integrate with existing communities and transport plans. An outline application for North West Cheltenham was submitted at the end of 2016 and engagement is underway in respect of proposals for West Cheltenham. Both sites will be subject to further review through the JCS examination in public which will continue in the summer of 2017.
Tracey Crews, director of planning for Cheltenham said: “This is extremely timely support from the Homes & Communities Agency and will ensure that the much needed housing will be fully planned and integrate with existing communities. We will look how we can maximise this funding alongside £350,000 Estates Regeneration funding recently awarded following a bid by Cheltenham Borough Homes and Cheltenham Borough Council for the area around Princess Elizabeth Way. We very much welcome the support from government for investment in regeneration and planning for new and existing communities.”
Annette Roberts, head of development services at Tewkesbury Borough Council added: “This funding will support both boroughs in the delivery of new homes in these key development sites. The support is much welcomed and we look forward to the continued collaborative work that is required in order to maximise opportunities to create sustainable communities.”
For media enquiries, contact: Katie Sandey, communications and web team leader, telephone 01242 775037, email [email protected]
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