Published on 18th September 2015

Holding hands

21 September to 2 October 2015

A new leaflet, ‘Keeping Safe Together’ is being launched to inform local residents of safeguarding issues and how people can get help as part of Cheltenham Partnership’s awareness fortnight.

Members from Cheltenham Partnerships will be handing out the leaflets in Cheltenham town centre on Monday 21 September, and explaining to people who they can contact for help if they or someone they know is affected. They will also be given out at freshers’ fayres and through local partner agencies including schools.

The leaflet covers a wide range of safeguarding issues, including domestic abuse and violence; sexual violence; honour based violence, forced marriage and female genital mutilation; child sexual exploitation; modern slavery and cyber-crime. Helpline numbers are included as well details on how to get further information and support.

A number of seminars about safeguarding will also run throughout the fortnight. Local experts from the police, local charities and specialist services will be talking and answering questions at the ‘Cheltenham Safeguarding Seminar’ which is for local decision makers and influential figures (for example school governors, head teachers, elected members and trustees of charities).

Further bitesize seminars about important safeguarding topics for frontline workers have been arranged to cover topics including sexual violence, cyber-crime and domestic abuse.

Short film clips highlighting key issues will also be circulated via the partnership’s social media channels over the fortnight. Visit Cheltenham Borough Council’s facebook page to view them from Monday 21 September.

Councillor Steve Jordan, leader of Cheltenham Borough Council, says: “I’m pleased that Cheltenham Partnerships are doing so much over this fortnight to improve awareness of these issues and of the expert help available to those that need it. The new leaflet is full of valuable information and contact numbers for local services; and the seminars will help improve understanding of this issue.”

Dave Jones, on behalf of CCP, continues: “This two week awareness raising event shows how the community of Voluntary sector, local authority and local business can come together to raise awareness and protect the most vulnerable in our community. CCP are proud to be involved in this project.”

Mark Ratcliffe, community and engagement officer for Endsleigh Insurance Services Limited, adds: “We feel very passionate about not only supporting the local community but supporting educational initiatives such as this one. As part of the Cheltenham Safeguarding Fortnight the aim is for every family in Cheltenham to receive one of the leaflets on safeguarding, helping bring awareness to such concerns, of which are real issues in today’s society. We are only too happy to be able to offer our support.”

Cheltenham Safeguarding fortnight has kindly been sponsored by Service Point, the Chelsea Building Society and Endsleigh Insurance.

For media enquiries, please contact: Laura Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154, email [email protected]

Notes: For more information about Cheltenham Partnerships visit