Published on 3rd September 2015

This year two Cheltenham students, were picked to go and work in Annecy for a month's internship.
Eleanor Fawcett a former pupil at Balcarras School and Natasha Steels formerly from Pates Grammar School, went. The paid placement, from 1 July to 5 August, is part of a scheme organised between the two councils for their young people.
Eleanor Fawcett is currently studying French and Russian at Cambridge University and worked in Annecy’s youth information office. Natasha Steels, who is just about to go to university to continue studying French, took a role in Annecy’s gardening and green space team.
Eleanor Fawcett, student, says: “It was an amazing opportunity to improve my French and get some work experience at the same time. Annecy is one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited and I feel really lucky to have worked there for a month. The twinning system meant we got to make lots of international friends and everything was basically organised for us in a way that we didn't have to worry about anything whilst we were there. I would seriously recommend this to anyone looking for summer work and to improve their French − I could have stayed a lot longer!”
Annecy student, Quentin Deronzier, an intern from Annecy who came to Cheltenham for a month’s experience with Cheltenham Borough Homes, says: “Thanks to the twin city link between Annecy and Cheltenham, I just lived the most wonderful time of my life: working with passionate people doing a hard work every day, meeting every single part of the society, learning so many things about the country from the children’s games, to the weather and the language skills.
“I have been able to work in every facet of the Cheltenham Borough Homes from the man in the van, to Cheltenham House - and even in Cheltenham Borough Council. It was an amazing journey through every single job that I have done.
“I thank every single one of you for being a part of my work placement even if we only see each other for three seconds it was three wonderful seconds. I will never thank you enough.”
Cllr Duncan Smith, Cheltenham’s mayor, continues: “This is what twinning is all about – promoting friendships, working together and building links, and offering our young people a chance to experience life and work in a different country.
“Overseas internships can be incredibly enriching and can give students a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I’m delighted that these young people were able to benefit from this and had a fun, fulfilling and memorable stay.
“We will be planning further placements with Annecy and young people thinking of working in France can get in touch with us about placements there for 2016.”
Details of 2016 work placements in Annecy will be on the website in early 2016. If you are interested please contact Annette Wight, twinning officer, on 01242 264311 or email [email protected]
For press enquiries, contact: Laura Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154, email [email protected]
Cheltenham has five twin towns which are: Annecy, France; Cheltenham, Pennsylvania, USA; Gottingen, Germany; Sochi, Russia; and Weihai in China. Find out more about twinning and how the council supports Cheltenham Twinning Association on the council’s website:
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