Published on 8th July 2015

Share your views on 2020 Vision, by 15 September
The community is being invited to have its say on proposals that will reduce the running costs of the council without the need to cut services.
Cheltenham Borough Council is working with The Forest of Dean, Cotswold and West Oxfordshire District Councils on a programme of work known as the 2020 Vision Programme which is aiming to reduce the cost of providing services through sharing management and staff and making better use of IT.
The councils will be maintaining the full range of services that they currently provide and retain their own identity. Decisions on what is best for Cheltenham borough will continue to be made by elected councillors and local access to services will continue to be available.
As a result of this work the councils are initially proposing the following services will be shared:
- IT
- Public protection
- Building control
- Legal
- Land and property
- Customer services
- Revenues and benefits
- HR, finance and payroll (already done as part of GO Shared Services)
Not all partners will necessarily be involved in each project as some already have different arrangements.
Detailed proposals, which include sharing these services, will be going to each council in September and October this year but before these meetings the councils would like to hear the views of local residents.
For the past three years the four councils have been sharing a finance, procurement and Human Resources service and an associated IT system, which is working well.
Cllr Steve Jordan, leader of Cheltenham Borough Council, says: "All councils have seen major reductions in government funding and this will continue. We are working hard to protect services in Cheltenham and working in partnership with other councils is a good way to help achieve this. This consultation is a chance for the public to have a say before any final decisions are taken."
Residents can have their say on these changes by emailing [email protected], writing to Rachael Orchard, 2020 Vision Programme Office, Municipal Offices, Cheltenham, GL50 1PP, letting us know:
- Do you agree with this approach?
- If not, how do you think the savings could be made?
- Any additional comments?
More information can be found on the consultation webpages and hard copies will be available at the reception desk of either of these councils. The consultation runs until Tuesday 15 September 2015.
For press enquiries contact: Katie Sandey, communications team leader, telephone 01242 264154, email: [email protected]
The Government has demonstrated its confidence in the proposal by granting a total of £3.8 million to help fund the necessary work. Over the coming years Cheltenham Borough Council will have to spend around £1.095m to make the change happen but this will save £0.965m per year, thus paying back the investment in around two years.
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