Published on 28th May 2015

Cheltenham Safe launched its new website this week along with its revised Reducing Alcohol Related Violence (RARV) codes of practice for the town’s licensees.
See the website here.
Cheltenham Safe is Cheltenham’s retail crime reduction scheme working in partnership with the police, borough council, trade and Chamber of Commerce to prevent crime and antisocial behaviour in the day and night time economies through two schemes, Daysafe and Nightsafe.
Daysafe is the day time retail crime prevention scheme linking businesses with the police to quickly detect and prevent crime. Daysafe currently has around 85 local retail businesses signed up to the scheme.
The Nightsafe scheme is the night time economy group of bars, clubs and other alcohol lead premises that exist to reduce crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour in the night time economy. Night Safe currently has over 70 signed up members.
The launch of the new website also included the publishing of the updated Reducing Alcohol Related Violence (RARV) codes of practice. The first set of RARV codes of practice was published in 2007, first such set of codes produced in the UK and were acknowledged as best practice by the Home Office.
These codes of practice were completely revised in 2014 and the newly published codes set out common sense and practical crime reduction measures and advice for all sectors of the night-time economy.
The new website also features other aspects of Cheltenham Safe’s work including Best Bar None and the local crime exclusion scheme.
The new website was funded from funding received by the Gloucestershire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Safe Days, Safe Nights fund.
Colin Pilsworth, Cheltenham Safe Coordinator, said: “The Police and Crime Commissioner’s funding has enabled us to develop a website which provides a single point of reference for all aspects of community safety relating to Cheltenham’s thriving retail and night-time economies.”
Martin Surl, Gloucestershire Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “Reducing crime is not the sole responsibility of the Police. We all have a part to play and it’s important that the relevant authorities have a joined-up approach to making our communities safer.”
For press enquiries contact: Colin Pilsworth, 01242 252323, [email protected]
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