Published on 23rd April 2015

view of Cheltenham town from Leckhampton Hill

Cheltenham Borough Council’s Green Space Development team is conducting a restoration project to the old lime kilns on Leckhampton Hill.

The kilns are being re-pointed and their bases are being reset in order to extend their life.

New fencing has been put up around the kilns to deter members of the public from going too near the unstable rock face; and an interpretation panel will also be installed to explain the history of the site with some past images that will contrast with the current look of the area.

Wayne Sedgwick, senior community ranger, said: "Last year a survey was carried out on the lime kilns to see if we could try and restore them. Unfortunately the report highlighted a slight instability of the rock face behind so we’re putting up some permanent fencing around the kilns to deter members of the public from this area.

"There are many historical features on the hill including an Iron Age hill fort and long barrow. Old tramways criss-cross the hill from the days of limestone quarrying and the remains of kilns and quarries are still very much in evidence. ensure members of the public can enjoy and appreciate the history we have on the hill."

The total cost of this project is £10k which comes from the council's planned maintenance budget. 

For press enquiries contact: Laura Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154, email [email protected]