Published on 5th September 2014

Cheltenham’s hidden gem, the Italian Gardens in Sandford Park, has had a welcome addition thanks to funding of £1,500 from the council’s Community Pride scheme.
A new information board has been put up so that visitors can learn all about the history of the beautiful gardens.
The gardens were designed by Edward White in 1920s and are complete with a sunken pool and fountains. They lie to the west of Sandford Park and are accessed from the Bath Road.
In a joint collaboration between Cheltenham in Bloom and Cheltenham Borough Council, the new board will help both tourists and local visitors to understand more about the little beauty spot.
Councillor Chris Ryder, chair of Cheltenham in Bloom, said: “The information board, which was funded by Cheltenham in Bloom through the award of a Community Pride Grant, will be a permanent feature, informing visitors who enter the Italian Gardens of their history.
“The gardens were opened in 1927, as commemorated on a tablet at the entrance to the park, by a party of dignitaries which included the town clerk, R.Owen Seacome, the grandfather of the present vice-chairman of Cheltenham in Bloom, Councillor Diggory Seacome.
“School parties on educational trips, or visitors from all over the country and beyond, will all benefit in their knowledge of this little haven in the centre of Cheltenham.’’
Wayne Sedgwick, senior community ranger for Cheltenham Borough Council, continues: “This is great example of partnership working in action. The Italian Gardens are a little-known gem and really are worth a visit. We hope that the new information board will help residents and visitors find out more about their history.”
Photo call: Monday 8 September, 1pm, at the Italian Gardens.
Contact: Laura Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154, email [email protected]
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