Published on 3rd September 2014

The latest housing figures for Cheltenham show a significant increase in housing stock for the first time since the economic downturn began in 2008.
The figures, from the recent publication of the Housing Land Availability study, reveal 430 housing completions within Cheltenham borough for 2013/14.
Of this figure 137 are affordable dwellings due to new housing developments across both the Delancey Hospital redevelopment and the Midwinter allotments sites. This is a large increase on previous years which saw an historic undersupply of affordable units within the borough.
Housing figures for Cheltenham over the recession have not risen above 300 new homes per year. In 2008/09 there were 280 completions; 275 in 2009/10; 136 in 2010/11; only 36 in 2011/12; and 266 for 2012/13.
Cllr Pete Jeffries, cabinet member for housing, says: “This is great news for Cheltenham and for our residents.
“Since the economic downturn, the housing market has seen a national decrease in dwelling completions. However this year has seen a significant uplift in the town especially compared with previous years. We must continue to work hard as we know affordable housing and new homes across the town are in high demand.”
Tracey Crews, Head of Planning, says: “It is encouraging to see the number of new homes completed, adding to the availability of housing for our growing population. The Council’s planning policy team will continue to work with the development industry to convert permissions granted by the Council into completions helping to meet the housing requirements established by the JCS.”
This year’s Housing Land Availability study is the first to use housing requirement from the emerging Joint Core Strategy (JCS). The JCS, when adopted, will form part of the development plan for Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury. The JCS pre-submission publication has now closed and it now awaits submission to the Secretary of State.
For press enquiries contact: Kelly Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154, email [email protected]
To find out more about the Joint Core Strategy visit this website.
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