Published on 3rd March 2014

- Wednesday 12 March – 12pm to 2.30pm - Council Chamber, Municipal Offices
To mark International Women’s Day, which is on 8 March, Cheltenham Borough Council is supporting a non-profit making event being organised by Soroptimist International (SI) of Cheltenham and District. The theme of the event is ‘Women’s Health & Well Being’. The event is free and anyone is welcome to attend. It will be held in the Council Chamber at Cheltenham Municipal Offices, on Wednesday 12 March from 12.00pm to 2.30pm
Local groups and organisations which have an interest in women’s health and wellbeing are going to exhibit displays to showcase the opportunities they offer to women and then, at 12.30pm Mayor Wendy Flynn will open the speaker event. There will be short presentations from Maggie’s Centre; ISIS Women’s Centre; Pilates and Healthy Living followed by an open forum chaired by Ruth FitzJohn the Chair of the 2gether Trust.
Soroptimist International is a non-political worldwide service organisation dedicated to improving the lives and status of women and girls. They aim to raise awareness around the specific health care needs of women and girls across the life-course and encourage learning which can positively impact on attitudes and behaviours.
Mayor Wendy Flynn, said: “International Women’s Day takes place annually on 8 March with thousands of events being held throughout the world to inspire women and to celebrate their accomplishments. It marks the economic, political and social achievements of women. We’re delighted to be supporting this event hosted by Soroptimist International who work hard to help women and young people in our community. I’m very much looking forward to attending the event.”
Patricia Grieve of Cheltenham Soroptimists, added: "Soroptimists worldwide aim to 'educate, empower & enable' and we're focusing on raising awareness of what we have on our doorstep to address women's needs. This is the fifth year our club has marked International Women's Day and we're really pleased this year to have the backing of Cheltenham Borough Council."
This is a free entry event and SI Members are looking forward to welcoming both women and men to come along on Wednesday 12 March 2014.
For more information on International Women’s Day visit the website. For more information on Soroptimist International Cheltenham and District visit their website.
For press enquiries contact: Catriona Murray, Cheltenham Jobcentre, telephone 07970 861328 or Kelly Carter, Cheltenham Borough Council’s communications officer, telephone 01242 264154, email [email protected].
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