Published on 20th January 2014

Cheltenham Borough Council has produced a list of proposals aimed at reducing air pollution and we want your views about the measures which will form the basis of an Air Quality Action Plan.
Air pollution can arise from many sources and activities, including traffic and transport, industrial processes, energy generation, agriculture and waste storage and treatment. Within Cheltenham the primary local sources of air pollution are from road transport, with additional small contributions from domestic, commercial and industrial heating sources.
Due to the slightly increased levels of nitrogen dioxide in the town, Cheltenham is an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and the council has a statutory duty to develop an Air Quality Action Plan.
Paul Scott, contaminated land officer, says: “Everyone has a right to live, work and relax in a healthy environment which includes having good quality air to breath. Good air quality is an important factor in protecting people’s health. Evidence suggests that poor air quality is a major cause of premature death in the UK with around 29,000 occurring annually.
“As part of the development of an Air Quality Action Plan, the council is required to undergo a consultation in order to engage, inform and seek views on the list of proposed measures that could be implemented. This will ensure that the best possible and most cost-effective outcomes are agreed upon prior to implementation.”
Cllr Peter Jeffries, cabinet member for housing, safety and communities, added: “Air quality is important for residents and visitors to Cheltenham and any improvements we can make should be welcomed. I would urge residents to let us know their opinions."
Some of the proposals in the consultation aimed at reducing air pollution include:
• Highways improvements - it is proposed to allow 2-way traffic at certain junctions in the town allowing the removal of through traffic at Boots Corner although it will remain open for buses. A separate consultation has already taken place on this, to find out more visit Gloucestershire County Council’s website.
• Wayfinding initiative - improve signage and routing for cyclists and pedestrians
• Promotion of Park & Ride
• School Travel Grants
To see all 20 proposals and to give your views take part in the consultation.
Responses to this consultation should be received by 28 February 2013 and can be completed on-line at
If you would prefer a paper copy of this document please email [email protected] or call 01242 264358.
For press enquiries contact: Kelly Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154 or email [email protected].
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