Published on 11th October 2013

Cheltenham PACT litter picker day

A litter pick along the Honeybourne Line footpath, organised jointly by Cheltenham PACT and the Friends of the Honeybourne Line, has been supported by a record turnout.

Nearly 40 volunteers turned out, including local children, families and businesses, giving up their free time to pick up litter and clean up their community.

Partners and Communities Together (PACT) is a volunteer scheme in Cheltenham to encourage residents to take a more active role in their community. PACT volunteers are the ‘eyes and ears’ of Cheltenham, reporting environmental issues within their area and supporting activities like the litter picks.

Volunteer numbers were boosted by a group from a local construction company - Markey Construction - who are about to start work near the Honeybourne Line. Gloucester-based Markey Construction, will soon start work on a luxury retirement apartment complex on the corner of Gloucester Road.

Tony Markey, Group Director with Markey commented, ‘When we heard about the litter pick we called upon contacts and friends to see if they could get involved. We were really pleased to have helped, given the proximity to the site of our retirement apartment development which will be getting underway soon and will be looking to get more involved in the future”.

Cheltenham Borough Council’s cabinet member for sustainability, Councillor Roger Whyborn said, ‘It is fantastic to see the community coming together with a common cause as important as improving the local environment. To get local businesses involved too is an excellent example of how all parts of the community can work together and really make a difference to people’s lives. Well done to all of those involved.’

The next PACT litter pick is on Wednesday 16 October in Winston Churchill Gardens at 4pm. Anybody wishing to sign up or find out more about PACT can visit www.

For press enquiries contact: Lisa Davies, communications and web team leader, telephone 01242 775037, email