Published on 20th September 2013

An exciting and unique opportunity has opened up for highly talented and strategically-minded people to shape, champion and drive an important new charitable trust for Cheltenham.
The council has reached an important milestone by launching a campaign to recruit the Board of Trustees for the provisionally named Cheltenham Leisure and Culture Trust.
When it is fully operational, the trust will take over the management and operation of some of Cheltenham’s iconic cultural venues - Cheltenham Town Hall, Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum, Pittville Pump Room, as well as running leisure@, the Prince of Wales Stadium, tourism and the Tourist Information Centre. The trust will play a major role in developing Cheltenham’s recreational offer through art, heritage, learning and sport. The trust will build on Cheltenham’s brand of a town that is known and recognised as a place where people are inspired to experience and take part in leisure and cultural activities.
Councillor Rowena Hay, cabinet member for sport and culture, said: “To have reached this stage is very exciting. The trust will be up and running during 2014. We are now looking for people to come forward who have a passion for Cheltenham and a passion for culture and leisure and who have the experience and skills to undertake a demanding but also hugely rewarding job as a member of a board of a new charitable trust for Cheltenham.
"We want a board of trustees that will work in collaboration and collectively to strengthen further Cheltenham’s reputation as a national and international cultural destination. The trust will need people who have drive, ambition and are forward thinking and who can give these important venues and facilities a sustainable future within what is admittedly a financially challenging environment. I believe that the calibre of trustee is out there and I would encourage people who believe they have the skills and experience required to apply.”
Pat Pratley, Executive Director, said: “It is important to point out that the trust will be completely independent of the council. The role of the trustees will be to provide leadership and oversee the management of the trust, in line with its charitable objects and as required by law and the Charity Commission. The trust board will comprise 11 trustees, two of whom will be council member nominated trustees. Appointments to trustee roles will be made in this first instance by the council with support from external advisers. We will be specifically asking prospective candidates if they would like to be considered for the role of chair of the board as this role, in particular, will be absolutely crucial in providing the leadership and strategic direction to assure the success of the trust.
"We are seeking a balanced board in terms of skills and experience and we are also very keen to ensure that, if possible, there is representation from the private, voluntary and community sectors."
If you are interested in becoming a trustee, visit
You can also find out more at a trustee recruitment information evening which is taking place on Wednesday 16 October 2013. If you would like to receive a trustee recruitment pack please email [email protected] or telephone Alison Kingsbury on 01242 774401.
The deadline for applications is Sunday 27 October 2013.
For press enquiries contact: Laura Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154 or email [email protected]
Cheltenham LCT will manage:
• leisure@cheltenham
• Prince of Wales Stadium
• Sport, play and healthy lifestyles
• Art Gallery and Museum (including tourism and the Tourist Information Centre)
• Town Hall
• Pittville Pump Room
Whilst the services will be delivered by the trust, the buildings and museum collections will remain in the ownership of the council.
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