Published on 13th September 2013

Members of the public will be asked for their views on a document that outlines where future housing and employment sites will be located in Gloucester city, and Cheltenham and Tewkesbury boroughs.
The councils would also like to gather views on the ‘assessed need’ housing numbers.
The consultation is part of the production of a Joint Core Strategy, which is being developed by Cheltenham and Tewkesbury borough councils and Gloucester City Council to guide housing and employment development up to 2031.
It follows decisions by members at the three councils to approve the latest version of the document, called the Draft Joint Core Strategy (Draft JCS), to go to public consultation between 15 October and 26 November.
As well as putting forward sites that are able to meet the area's identified future housing and employment need, the Draft JCS sets out a long-term vision for the area together with policies relating to important issues such as flooding, green belt and affordable housing.
All councils are legally required to have a development plan and by working together the three councils recognise that planning issues go beyond administrative boundaries, in line with the duty to co-operate placed on councils by the government.
The Draft JCS has been established using a range of evidence, is based on local statistical information and is in line with national planning policy guidance set by the government.
Tewkesbury Borough Council's Lead Member for Built Environment Cllr Derek Davies said: "By approving the Draft JCS for consultation we are inviting members of the public to let us know what they think of our preferred strategy for future development. It is important that we get a strategy in place because it will ensure growth takes place in a planned way, protecting and enhancing our green areas and areas of landscape, while meeting our long-term development needs. Without a strategy we are putting ourselves at high risk of ad-hoc development occurring, which we will not be able to control."
Cheltenham Borough Council’s Chief Executive Andrew North said: “It is really important that we got out to consultation on a sound document and I am pleased all three councils have given approval to this consultation. It is vital we hear the views of the public and we take account of comments as we develop the final document for statutory consultation and submission to the secretary of state.”
Gloucester City Council’s Leader and Cabinet Member for regeneration Paul James said: ““We are really keen to hear everyone’s views and we will be holding a series of events as part of this consultation. We encourage members of the public to come along and express their views and discuss any issues, and our officers will be on hand at all events to help with any queries.”
Officers are now working on the details of the consultation stage, which will include a series of events across the JCS area. Details on the events and how members of the public can have their say will be made available through the press and on the JCS website.
For more information, please visit
Contact: Laura Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154, email [email protected]
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