Published on 15th May 2013

Youngsters don’t need to worry about being bored as plenty is planned to keep them active this half-term.
leisure@cheltenham on Tommy Taylor’s Lane is once again hosting a range of activities during the school break.
On Wednesday 29 May, children aged 6-10 years can have a go at hour long junior badminton sessions, costing £5.
Daniel Brookes, activities co-ordinator and qualified England badminton coach said: ‘’This is a great way for youngsters to have a go at badminton before potentially joining our very successful club. There will also be plenty more sessions over the summer holidays as well.’’
From Tuesday 28 through to Friday 31 May, there will also be intensive crash courses in swimming for children, aimed at all ages and lessons are designed around the ASA (Amateur Swimming Association) National Teaching Plan key stages, depending on ability. The half hour lessons will take place on each of the four days, at a total cost of only £20.
For something a bit different, confident young swimmers can have a go at an evening diving lesson on 30 May, at 5.45pm for £7.
Nicola Rees co-ordinates the swimming activities, she said: ‘’Half term is a great time for children to develop their skills away from the classroom. It’s so important to have strong swimming ability and through our lessons, we ensure children learn in a safe and enjoyable environment.’’
Booking is recommended for all activities, contact customer services on 01242 528764.
For press enquiries, contact: Katie Sandey, communications team leader, telephone 01242 775050 or email: [email protected]
To find out more about leisure@cheltenham and the services on offer, visit: leisure@cheltenham's website, facebook pages or twitter.
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