Published on 11th April 2013

Two Cheltenham schools are benefiting from after school clubs multi sports sessions provided by Cheltenham Borough Council and Active Gloucestershire.
St Johns Primary School and Gloucester Road Primary School are both trialling the programme which is designed to encourage and promote positive play amongst children.
The programme, which children attending are required to sign up to, covers a variety of skills from teamwork, sportsmanship and individual achievements. The sessions are also designed to develop hand eye coordination, confidence and understanding of the activity in the hope that the children will take the more traditional games and play them at home or in their local park.
Laura Loving, play development officer, said: “The sessions aim to promote and encourage play amongst classmates. We are delighted that they have proven to be so popular with the club being full at each school, and we hope that we will be able to take the sessions to other schools in the future.”
The sessions are funded by the council and delivered by Active Gloucestershire.
For press enquiries contact: Laura Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154 or email
The sessions started on 20 February for 12 weeks and children from six to eight are able to take part.
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