Published on 8th April 2013

The Planning Committee at Cheltenham Borough Council has given its endorsement to a new leaflet created to provide assistance to Regency building owners.
Cheltenham is famous for its Regency architecture with a number of the buildings being listed. Many owners approach the council for detailed advice on matters relating to their building, so a leaflet has been produced to help answer many of the questions they may have. It will act as an information resource and will be of benefit to all with an interest in the historic environment.
The leaflet has come about thanks to Jeremy Jefferies, who was a conservation officer at the council from 1974 to 1996. He recognised the need for accessible information on the principles relating to the design of Regency buildings
Tracey Crews, head of planning, said: “We hope that the publication will disseminate good practice in the repair and maintenance of the historic buildings which make such a significant contribution to the character and attractiveness of the town, but also provide guidance to developers building new properties in a listed building setting.
“The Council extends its thanks to Jeremy for bringing this leaflet to fruition. He prepared the text, supplementing it with his own photographs to illustrate the design precepts. The final document is a testament to his care and diligence and is a great addition to the council’s information resources.”
The leaflet is available on the council’s website.
For press enquiries contact: Kelly Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154 or email [email protected].
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