Published on 6th February 2013

Cheltenham Borough Council has rewarded 30 of Cheltenham’s best community groups by giving them a share of over £40,000 of community pride funding.
Sixteen groups received larger grants to improve their neighbourhoods and 14 groups received smaller grants up to the value of £250 to run small-scale projects, events and activities to help them build better communities.
Some of the 16 projects that have been awarded funding include Transition Town’s edible park project, The Gardens Gallery energy reduction project, Friends of Pilley Bridge Nature Reserve community orchard, Oakley Residents’ Association project to improve the appearance of the road block in Clyde Crescent and the Reddings Park Community Group park enhancement project which wants to improve the local network of footpaths within the residential area.
The council invited community organisations to bid for match funding, up to the value of £5,000, for projects that would build up community pride and help the groups to be more influential in supporting their communities and improving their neighbourhoods.
A panel comprising councillors, officers and partners evaluated each application and those successful were approved at the cabinet meeting last night.
Councillor Steve Jordan, leader for Cheltenham Borough Council, said: “We are pleased to be able to provide this funding to local community groups. The funding will help them make a real difference in benefiting the community.”
Richard Gibson, strategy and engagement manager, added: “The panel were really impressed with the standard and the range of the projects put forward to us by local community groups, which more often than not, are doing this on a voluntary basis. We were particularly delighted that five new community groups have come forward this year to bid for funds which shows the enthusiasm that local residents have for collective action to improve their neighbourhoods.
A list of the approved community pride projects can be found on the council’s website.
For press enquires contact: Kelly Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154, email [email protected]
The grant schemes went live from Friday 16th November and were publicised through Gloucestershire Association for Voluntary and Community Action, media releases and information on the council’s website. The closing date was Friday 11th January 2013 which gave applicants an 8 week period to submit applications.
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