Published on 28th January 2013

Gardening enthusiasts in the borough have the chance to pair up with garden owners in a match-making scheme inspired by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.
Cllr Barbara Driver started Gardenshare in 2012 after hearing about the TV celebrity chef and ‘real food’ campaigner's Landshare project. The scheme matches up landowners who have spare garden space or struggle to maintain their gardens, with local people who have a passion for gardening but do not have the garden.
Climate change charity Vision21 are running the scheme, which is supported by Cheltenham Borough Council, the Gloucestershire Echo, Gloucestershire County Council, and Fairshares Cheltenham. It is also endorsed by Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS and by Landshare itself.
The project is now live and interested members of the public are invited to attend one of several public meetings to learn more. The meeting dates are as follows:
- Thursday 7 February, Up Hatherley Village Hall
- Monday 18 February, Stanton Rooms, Charlton Kings
- Tuesday 19 February, Brizen Young People’s Centre, Warden Hill
- Monday 25 February, Hesters Way Resource Centre
All 6.30pm – 8.30pm
For more information, guidelines and application forms, visit Vision 21's website or call 01242 224321
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