Published on 23rd January 2013

Every child and vulnerable adult in Cheltenham has a right to be safe – that’s the key message to be discussed at a seminar early next month.
The Cheltenham Safeguarding seminar will be held in February at the Municipal Offices and will include a number of presentations and workshops.
The invite only event will be attended by about fifty people from across the borough who are responsible for the protection of local children and vulnerable adults; including trustees, councillors, school governors, volunteers and officers from the public sector such as the police and fire service. It is being organised by the Cheltenham Safeguarding Forum which represents voluntary and statutory organisations. Cheltenham is the only district in the county to have its own safeguarding forum.
Keynote speeches, delivered by local speakers, will address the work which is currently being done to support the borough’s vulnerable people, as well as offering advice about what to look for and how to report concerns. Attendees will also have a chance to break away for workshops, with a question and answer session at the end.
Dave Jones, of County Community Projects, chairs the Cheltenham Safeguarding Forum and he said: ‘’The Cheltenham Safeguarding Forum is an example of a local district taking responsibility for protecting the most vulnerable in its community. We are all responsible for safeguarding the most vulnerable and this event is part of pushing that agenda. I am proud to say that Cheltenham is fully behind what we are trying to do from elected members through to volunteers on the front line.’’
Councillor Peter Jeffries , borough cabinet member for housing, safety and communities, sponsors the forum and has been instrumental in organising the event. He said: ‘’It’s vital that all agencies work together to achieve the best outcomes for our children and vulnerable adults. We need to be sure that our safeguarding polices and practices are robust and regularly reviewed. The seminar is designed to bring together a wide variety of partners so that they can have these important conversations and ensure that the correct levels of protection are in place for those in need.’’
Councillor Paul McLain, deputy leader and cabinet member for vulnerable families at Gloucestershire County Council added: “Hats off to Peter Jeffries for driving this forward in Cheltenham .
“Safeguarding is everybody's business and no one can turn a blind eye. High profile cases like the Saville expose have really pushed the agenda into the public eye. And there are some very simple lessons to be learned. The more our professionals can work and talk together - the better. Peter’s seminar is a great opportunity for us to continue developing those links and keep our community safe.
“The multi agency Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Board is also meeting in January to hear messages from children and young people across the County to inform its safeguarding plans for the year ahead.“
The event is invite only however, anyone with a professional interest can contact Tracy Brown, partnership officer on 01242 775176.
For press enquiries contact: Katie Sandey, communications team leader, telephone 01242 775050, email [email protected]
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