Published on 17th October 2012

Revisions to the Royal Well development brief are going out to public consultation, from Monday 22 October for six weeks, following approval from Cabinet last month.
- Public consultation runs from 22 October to 3 December
There will also be an informal session at Municipal Offices on 6 November from 6pm to 8pm, for local residents to discuss the proposed revisions with council officers.
The Royal Well development brief forms part of the Cheltenham Civic Pride Urban Design Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). It sets out how the Municipal Offices might be used if the council vacates them and how Royal Well can be improved as a public space. This includes removing through traffic, simplify bus use and movement access, and create a high quality public space and link to the Promenade.
The revisions come about as there are questions as to whether the original brief, which was adopted in July 2008, can be delivered effectively in the current economic climate.
The alterations are to nine specific points in three main areas:
1) To more explicitly include the potential for a range of commercial uses of the Municipal Offices including retail and/or office development.
2) To include reference to the Municipal Offices Heritage Assessment September 2010 recognising that this document, which has been prepared since the original adoption, will be an important factor in preparing proposals for the Municipal Offices and in assessing them.
3) Changing the wording relating to bus stop provision allowing designers and decision makers to address the still changing transport issues emerging from work on the Local Sustainable Transport Fund project and its transport plans for the town centre and proposals emerging at North Place.
Wilf Tomaney, townscape manager, says: As we move towards implementing our town centre projects, it is important that the brief properly reflects the Council's ambitions for the area and ties in with the latest planning guidance from the Government. These minor changes are a necessary and ensure the process remains open and compliant with planning rules.
Cllr Andrew McKinlay, cabinet member for built environment, added: We remain committed to the vision and safeguards of the original brief. The brief has not been fully revised so only the nine specific alterations will be published for consultation in order to maintain its usefulness and keep it up to date with recent events.
A report on the consultation results is planned to go to Cabinet on 15 January 2013, however this is subject to change depending on the number of responses. Recommendations will go before full council on 8 February 2013.
For press enquiries contact: Kelly Carter, communications officer, telephone 01242 264154, email
There is a legal requirement to follow a consultation process set out in the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning)(England) Regulations whenever a SPD is revised. Only full Council can adopt the changes to the SPD.
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