News published August 2013
Leisure@cheltenham's gym gets a major facelift
The gym closes on Friday 30 August for works and a temporary gym and cardio suite should be available from Saturday 31 August.
Published on 29 August 2013 -
Council tax reviews help to find £36,000 benefit fraud
A Cheltenham claimant has been given a suspended jail term following her conviction for benefit fraud.
Published on 28 August 2013 -
Future development consultation to be considered by councillors
A major consultation mapping out the draft strategy for future housing and employment development in Cheltenham, Gloucester and Tewkesbury borough is set to be considered by councillors next month.
Published on 28 August 2013 -
First year success for new council venture
Ubico Ltd, the environmental service provider for Cheltenham Borough Council and Cotswold District Council, is celebrating a year of delivering a successful service both in terms of savings and performance.
Published on 13 August 2013 -
Future sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople in Gloucestershire
In future years, the districts within Gloucestershire will need to provide additional, authorised sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople living in the area.
Published on 08 August 2013 -
Clamping down on unlicensed A Boards
On Monday 5 August three local businesses were fined for using unlicensed A Boards at Cheltenham Magistrates Court.
Published on 06 August 2013 -
There’s still time to have your say on Cheltenham town centre plans
Gloucestershire County Council, working at the request of Cheltenham Borough Council, is currently consulting on proposed changes to the roads within Cheltenham town centre.
Published on 06 August 2013 -
Cheltenham's recycled cooking oil will help power up the UK's lights
Residents of Cheltenham are being urged to recycle their used cooking oil at the Swindon Road recycling centre, for recovery into renewable electricity.
Published on 06 August 2013 -
Flytipping causes problems at recycling banks
Residents are asked to dispose of their recycling carefully at the local ‘bring bank’ sites or risk a flytipping fine.
Published on 01 August 2013