What can you do to improve air quality?

We can all make small changes to reduce pollutants in Cheltenham, as well as protecting ourselves.

Reducing pollutants


  • Don’t idle – turn off your engine if you are stopped for longer than 15 seconds to save fuel and reduce unnecessary pollutants
  • Car share
  • Use public transport
  • Travel actively – walk, cycle or scoot shorter journeys.
  • Consider buying an electric or hybrid vehicle
  • Eco-driving – find out more from the energy saving trust here


  • Insulate your home to reduce energy consumption
  • Upgrade your boiler to a more efficient model – find out more here
  • Turn off any lights or appliances when not in use


  • If you own a wood burner, use it consciously – burning of any kind releases particulate matter which can be harmful to health.
  • Read DEFRA’s guidance on the best burning practices here
  • Avoid having bonfires as these release high levels of particulate matter into your local area and often involve burning materials which are most damaging to health

Avoiding pollutants

There are many ways your can reduce your exposure to air pollutants, these include:

  • Walking, cycling or scooting where possible – air quality is worse in a car so use active travel methods for shorter journeys
  • Take quieter routes when walking/cycling to avoid congested roads.
  • Walk on side of the kerb furthest from the road
  • Avoid wood burning in your home as this can release harmful pollutants which can build-up and cause poor indoor air quality
  • Choose materials and products with lower volatile organic compound (VOC) contents when buying paint, furniture, flooring etc.