Letter to tenants regarding future of housing consultation - December 2023

Dear Tenant,

Shaping the future of housing in Cheltenham

Help shape our new Service Offer to you as a Tenant

In October 2023 Cheltenham Borough Council’s Cabinet made the decision to start the process of bringing the management of its arms-length management company Cheltenham Borough Homes (CBH) back under the direct management of the council.

This is due to major changes in legislation that place new responsibilities on the council as your landlord. We also need to make our housing services more efficient so that we can increase future investment in your homes to ensure they are kept safe and free from damp and mould, improve the energy efficiency and ensure we carry on maintaining them in the best possible way.

We want to be closer to you, so that we can hear your views directly. This will make it easier for you to influence the way we shape our housing services in the future. This is why we would like to consult with you about these changes and to understand your priorities as we look to the future development of our housing services and our new service offer for you as a tenant.

Independent Advisor

We realise that you might want to ask someone completely independent about our proposals, to express any concerns and to share your priorities for the housing service with them, rather than with us directly.

To do this, we have asked Campbell Tickell, an independent housing consultancy to provide this service to you and they will be available to answer any questions you might have, and to provide you with a range of confidential opportunities for you to have your say, through a consultation survey, at drop-in face-to-face groups, through an online webinar, by email and voicemail. (Voicemail is where you can leave arecorded message on the phone for Campbell Tickell to call you back.)

Consultation Survey

Campbell Tickell has set up a consultation survey for you to share your views and to help shape the new housing service.

I would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the consultation survey to provide feedback about our housing services, so that we can gain an understanding of your views and opinions.

The consultation period starts on Monday 18th December 2023 and ends on Sunday 11th February 2024.

How to complete the survey

Tenants and leaseholders who would like to take the survey are asked to contact Campbell Tickell by email to cheltenham@campbelltickell.com or phone 020 3141 3936 to request a link to the survey.

Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence, in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018) and the guidelines of the Market Research Society.

Individual responses and information will not be passed to or shared with any other individual or organisation other than Campbell Tickell, who will process the survey data in order that it always remains anonymous.

Your opinion is vital in helping us to improve the services we deliver to you, and I would like to thank you in advance for spending your valuable time on this survey.

Consultation sessions

As well as completing the consultation survey, you can also get involved and make your priorities for the housing service known to Campbell Tickell, by attending a face-to-face session or an online webinar. All sessions will run in January and February 2024.

Consultation timetable

Consultation event timetable
Event type Date Time Location/Joining details
Face to face group Friday 12th January 2-4pm Wallace House, Windermere Road, GL51 3PU
Face to face group Wednesday 17th January 1-3pm Hesters Way Resource Centre
Online webinar - Microsoft Teams Thursday 18th January 2-3pm Meeting ID: 330 979 103 245
Passcode: 9Dd8LQ
Online webinar - Microsoft Teams Monday 22nd January 6-7pm Meeting ID: 383 846 352 166
Passcode: wviHjC
Face to face group Tuesday 23rd January 1-3pm Coopers Court, Church Street, Charlton Kings, GL53 8AP
Face to face group Tuesday 23rd January 6-8pm Oakley Resource Centre
Online webinar - Microsoft Teams Wednesday 31st January 2-3pm Meeting ID: 330 904 854 701
Passcode: iX8CUo
Face to face group Thursday 1st February 1-3pm Popes Close, Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GL50 4BQ
Face to face group Thursday 1st February 6-8pm St Pauls Community Hub

Should you have any questions about joining any of these events please email or call:

Email: Cheltenham@campbelltickell.com
Telephone: 020 3141 3936

To join a Teams webinar using a meeting ID and code, go to www.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting and enter the meeting ID and passcode indicated above for your preferred webinar date and time.

As with the consultation survey, no personal information will be asked for, so no details of attendees will be passed to the council.

Yours sincerely,
Councillor Rowena Hay
Leader of the Council